Birth preparation class in english with partner
Birth preparation class in english with partner – by midwife Simon
In this birth preparation class you will receive all important
information about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the postpartum
period. The main goal of the course is to provide information on birth
phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain
management, and an overview of the most common interventions during
birth. Furthermore we show you different birthing positions, massages,
breathing techniques and talk about breastfeeding. We invite you to
reflect on yourself and your partnership regarding birth and the
postpartum period. There will also be time to ask your personal
The class is covered by the German health insurance for the pregnant
The partner fee is 140€ and not covered by the German public health
insurance – that said, you may be able to claim a refund from your
health insurance company. (Check with your insurance if/how much of the
partner fee they pay; many insurances reimburse the partner fee in
parts, you have to take care of the reimbursement yourself).
Weekend intensive class:
Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 5pm
Registration :
Registration for birth preparation classes in english:
Unsere Hebammen arbeiten selbstständig und eigenverantwortlich in den Praxisräumen.
Unsere Assistentin Monika Leipold informiert Sie gerne per E-mail über deren Verfügbarkeit und stellt den Kontakt zu Ihnen her.
Für die Teilnahme an nicht hebammengeleitete Angebote melden Sie sich bitte direkt bei der jeweiligen Kursleitung an.